If you frequently enjoy going out for a few drinks with your friends or have a passion for trying the newest and best locally-brewed IPAs, you probably know your alcohol tolerance relatively well. You know how many drinks it takes for you to feel buzzed and how many...
Michael A. Ferraro, Esq., P.C.
Month: January 2021
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Yes, diabetes can mimic intoxication
If you have diabetes and have been accused of driving while under the influence, you may know that you weren’t intoxicated at all. Instead, what you may have had was a high level of acetone in your blood. Unfortunately, Breathalyzer machines can’t identify the...
Traffic cameras could soon be more prevalent in New York
If you drive anywhere in New York, you’re probably familiar with the speed cameras that are often mounted in school zones. Run afoul of one and you’ll find a photo of your vehicle moving past the camera and a hefty ticket in your mail. While state law currently only...