Michael A. Ferraro, Esq., P.C.

Changes in daily behavior could reduce your alcohol tolerance

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2021 | DWI defense |

If you frequently enjoy going out for a few drinks with your friends or have a passion for trying the newest and best locally-brewed IPAs, you probably know your alcohol tolerance relatively well. You know how many drinks it takes for you to feel buzzed and how many would make it unsafe for you to drive.

Being able to gauge your own impairment or at least monitor your consumption for safety is a crucial skill for those who enjoy alcohol socially. You can make smarter plans, like arranging for a designated driver or choosing to stop drinking a certain amount of time before you’ll head home.

Unfortunately, you might find yourself in a situation where a small change in your daily habits might impact how your body handles alcohol.

Skipping the gym can impact your metabolism

If you usually hit the gym before you go to the office every day, that physical activity plays a crucial role in your current metabolic rate. The longer you skip your workouts, the more muscle tone you’ll lose. That can affect your metabolism and how quickly your body breaks down alcohol.

Dealing with a cold can affect how much you can drink

When you have a cold, dehydration is a common side effect. Lower levels of water in your body and blood can mean that the same amount of alcohol consumed as normal can result in a higher total concentration of alcohol in your blood. Additionally, cold medications can increase the negative side effects of alcohol.

Feeling tired makes drinking even more dangerous

Exhaustion impacts how your brain functions. It’s harder to focus and easier to make cognitive mistakes when you’re tired. When you add alcohol to that mix, your degree of impairment could be much higher than normal. Exhaustion caused by traveling, also known as jet lag, can also impact your body’s ability to handle alcohol.

Anyone accused of driving while intoxicated (DWI) could lose their license and even spend time in jail. Avoiding mistakes about alcohol consumption can help you avoid legal consequences, as can a rigorous defense if you wind up accused of impaired driving.